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MARussian Language and Literature

Tuition fee €2,500 per semester
Application fee €150 one-time

The application fee is discounted for Early Bird applicants:
EUR 100 (non-refundable) between 01/11/2024 – 30/11/2024 and between 01/02/2025 – 31/03/2025;
The regular application fee is:
EUR 150 (non-refundable) between 01/04/2025-31/05/2025

Examination fee €100 one-time
More information



Short description
This MA program prepares students to become well-trained specialists in Russian philology and gives them high-level competence in the language. In their degree thesis, students can gain specialized knowledge in a chosen subfield of Russian philology with the help of specialized courses in the given field. Note that the program does not offer teaching qualifications.

This program is recommended to applicants who wish to engage in a broad-spectrum training in the framework of disciplinary studies, to acquire special competences in a linguistics- and culturology-based approach to the whole of culture. Traditionally the Department of Russian Language and Literature at Eötvös Loránd University has been for long decades carrying out research into Russian Literature, Language and Culture, applying the most varied scholarly methods, thus accumulating and improving the theoretical know-how for developing and applying theory. Since high priority is given to systematically exploring theory via acquisition of the set of terms embedded in Russian terminology of culture, professional knowledge can be attained most effectively.

As for the courses in linguistics, a flexible two-fold structure is endorsed: they encompass the classical disciplines, i.e. lexicology, morphology, syntax in their synchronic and diachronic aspects, complemented by a wide range of optional seminars in virtually any linguistic approach. As a result, those students who are interested in linguistics can take a program that perfectly matches their needs and helps them choose a special field of research which can be further elaborated as part of their PhD program, also available at the Department.

This program enables students to acquire a high level of language skills, knowledge in the traditional and novel methodologies of mapping cultural mainstreams within the prospects of various historical and social contexts. Requirements stipulated in curricula are harmonised with international standards allowing for training up-to-date specialists, who possess a wide range of professional knowledge and skills with respect to Russian studies. Those interested in Russian philology, literature and linguistics already have an intermediate (B2) level in the target language and wish to have a firm academic basis and high proficiency in practical Russian, will profit from the options provided by the rich selection of courses.

Graduates are supposed to use the Russian language in any situation, including those that require a high level of cultural awareness; carry out independent research in their field of academic interest; act as experts critically selecting and evaluating information concerning the Russian culture.

Strength of program
After completing the program, students have the possibility to start their doctoral program in Russian linguistics or Russian literature, offered by the department.

The program regularly invites foreign specialists as visiting professors from Russia and worldwide. The strength of the MA program is also indicated by the scientific achievements of the staff (four professors have a DSc degree; numerous books and international publications) and also the professional career of the students who have already completed the MA program.

Programme structure

Find the detailed structure of the program on the site of the Faculty:

Career opportunities

Career opportunities
Many of our graduates have entered an academic career after obtaining their PhD degree.

Apart from the education sector, the career opportunities of students with an MA degree in Russian language and literature embrace the economic, cultural, political, and social spheres. The labour market for specialists with this MA degree includes job opportunities for experts who are expected to have the skills to speak Russian at a high level; to understand Russian culture and the cultural environment, trends and movements in contemporary Russia; to be experts in Russian philology.

Job examples
—Scholar in Russian philology
—Organiser in various fields of Russian culture
—Expert on Russian culture
—Specialist in diplomatic affairs

Apply now! September 2025/26
Application deadline
31 Mar 2025, 23:59:59
Central European Time
Studies commence
1 Sept 2025
Apply now! September 2025/26
Application start
1 Apr 2025
Application deadline
31 May 2025, 23:59:59
Central European Time
Studies commence
1 Sept 2025
Apply now! September 2025/26
Application period has ended
Studies commence
1 Sept 2025
Apply now! September 2025/26
Application deadline
31 Mar 2025, 23:59:59
Central European Time
Studies commence
1 Sept 2025
Apply now! September 2025/26
Application start
1 Apr 2025
Application deadline
31 May 2025, 23:59:59
Central European Time
Studies commence
1 Sept 2025
Apply now! September 2025/26
Application period has ended
Studies commence
1 Sept 2025