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Tuition fee €4,200 per semester
Application fee €120 one-time


Examination fee €120 one-time


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The aim of the programme is to train psychology professionals who have mastered the theories and methods of psychological science on an advanced level, are proficient in the various subfields of psychology, possess the skills and techniques of psychology as a profession and are able to apply these to help individuals, groups or organizations develop and improve. The programme also aims to provide students with expertise based on the most recent theoretical advancements and practical knowledge in the field, so students develop professional skills and a commitment to psychology as a profession. This solid foundation of knowledge enables graduates to practise psychology as a vocation independently, participate in post-graduate programmes and attend further methodological trainings in psychology.

Strengths of the programme
• Top 250 programme (Time Higher Education, 2022)
• Practice-based programme
• 20+ research groups and labs are open to young researchers
• Professional qualifications
• Administrative capacity to assist student life
• Exchange opportunities to more than 70 partner universities
• 3 specialisations available


A master of psychology is characterised by expansive and integrated professional and theoretical knowledge, the creative adaptation of the methods of academic knowledge, psychological responsiveness and communicational efficacy through the utilisation of personal resources along with a high degree of professional commitment.

Developmental and Clinical Child Psychology Specialisation
Person in charge of the specialisation: Judit Balázs, PhD, professor
The educational aims of the Developmental and Clinical Child Psychology specialisation: to offer up-to-date theoretical and methodological knowledge in the domains of typical and atypical development in order to be able to carry out overall diagnostic work, therapy and research in institutions dealing with children.

Our students will gain competence in the following areas:

• Psychopathology
• Diagnostic Processes
• Therapeutic possibilities
• Research in Developmental Psychology and Clinical Child Psychology

Our research groups:

• Neuropsychology and Child Development Research Group
• Social Minds Research Group
• Research Group of Childhood Mental Disorders

Clinical and Health Psychology Specialisation

The educational aims of the Clinical and Health Psychology specialisation: to train experts in the applied branches of clinical and health psychology, who possess an extensive knowledge of diagnostics, therapy and clinical research, have wide-ranging skills in methodology and are able to use their Master’s level knowledge of psychology in the service of promoting and improving health.
Our students will gain competence in the following areas:

• Clinical and diagnostic work
• Supportive and motivational communication
• Planning and the assessment of health promotion programmes
• The critical assessment and identification of the practical relevance of clinical research
• Understanding the biopsychosocial aspects of health and diseases.

Our research groups and workshops:

• Health Psychology Research Group
• Research Group on Addiction
• Positive Psychology Research Group
• Research Group of Personality, Health and Emotion Regulation
• Stress and Emotions Lab

Our partners:

• Support Centre for Giving Up Smoking- Budapest
• National Institute for Health Development
• Research Institute for Psychology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Counselling and Educational Psychology Specialisation

The educational aims of the Counseling and School Psychology specialisation:

• to train professionals – working primarily in the practical areas – who are equally familiar with the socialization issues of childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, who possess the necessary skills in their theoretical preparedness as well as in their diagnostic and counselling methods used in practice to work with clients of various age groups,
• they can primarily be employed by childcare institutions (nursery and pre-school) and schools, educational advisories and other institutions doing work related to career counselling, life skills counselling and crisis counselling,
• they are familiar with the psychodynamics of individual, group, and family counselling.
• Their work in psychological care can especially be useful at the various levels of prevention. Their mission is to facilitate development and change in individuals, groups, and the family systems alike.

Our students will gain skills in the following areas:

• Life skills, Couple’s, and Family Counselling
• Career counselling
• Group counselling
• School psychology
• Educational counselling
• Crisis intervention
• Children’s psycho-diagnostics
• Counselling in health psychology

For more information, please visit the following link: www.ppk.elte.hu/psychology_ma_program_

Programme structure


Career opportunities

Job examples:

- at companies
- at civil organizations
- in hospitals
- at schools

Apply now! September 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
4 Sept 2024
Apply now! September 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
4 Sept 2024
Apply now! September 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
4 Sept 2024
Apply now! September 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
4 Sept 2024