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MASocial Integration

Tuition fee €2,900 per semester
Application fee €120 one-time


Examination fee €120 one-time


More information



The goal of this program is to provide students with knowledge about the multifaceted nature of intercultural issues, multi/interculturalism, and social integration by means of a multidisciplinary approach, which includes psychology, education, sociology, and anthropology. The program is both theory-based and practice oriented. Courses are based on latest research in relevant fields, and students are given opportunities to test and apply their theoretical knowledge in practical situations. Approximately half of the program consists of trainings, seminars, and field work.

This program is recommended to applicants who are interested in the cultural, intercultural, and social aspects of psychology and education. We look for those applicants who see a great challenge in the organization of the working together of people of different sociocultural backgrounds, in the initiating and maintaining of intercultural dialogue, in the efficient resolution of emerging conflicts, and in profiting on the assets of diversity as well as in the promotion of the living together and successful cooperation of various minority and majority groups.

Strength of the program:
The program, which is one of the few of its kind in Europe, is strongly committed to interdisciplinary studies with a focus on psychological and educational issues. Focusing on the human dimensions of intercultural issues and interactions, while also giving ample consideration to their global context, the Program distinguishes macro-historical, macro-political or macro-sociological approaches.

Programme structure


Career opportunities

Graduates will be able to understand the characteristics of intercultural relations and communication and co-ordinate the work of people from different cultures effectively in various fields both at national and international level in public administration, minority self-government, minority and mainstream media, schools as well as other formal and informal educational institutions, multi-national and civil organizations. After receiving an MA degree, students may apply to continue their studies in our PhD program.

Job examples:
• Social Integration Counsellor
• Coordinator at international office of universities
• Integration counsellor of migrants at organizations
• Person in charge of diversity managements at companies

Apply now! September 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
4 Sept 2024
Apply now! September 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
4 Sept 2024
Apply now! September 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
4 Sept 2024
Apply now! September 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
4 Sept 2024