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BARomance Philology and Cultures Specialized in French Studies

Tuition fee €2,000 per semester
Application fee €150 one-time

The application fee is discounted for Early Bird applicants:
EUR 100 (non-refundable) between 01/11/2024 – 30/11/2024 and between 01/02/2025 – 31/03/2025;
The regular application fee is:
EUR 150 (non-refundable) between 01/04/2025-31/05/2025

Examination fee €100 one-time
More information



Le but des études en licence est de former de spécialistes de la langue et de la culture françaises qui, munis d’une solide connaissance théorique et pratique, seront capables d’exercer leur métier dans les domaines les plus divers, inter- et pluridisciplinaires. Les titulaires de licence atteindront un niveau nécessaire pour continuer leurs études en Master.

Les titulaires de licence auront une connaissance approfondie de la langue écrite et orale, ainsi que de la culture françaises: ils seront capables de traduire des textes, de remplir la fonction d’interprète au niveau élémentaire, d’assurer le lien entre la France et la Hongrie dans les domaines culturels, économiques et sociaux. Ils témoigneront également d’une motivation et d’un dévouement particuliers envers la langue et la culture françaises, ainsi que de la capacité de mettre en application avec créativité les connaissances acquises.

The aim of the degree program is to train experts with theoretical and practical skills in the field of French language and literature, or, more generally, in the field of humanities, who, owing to these skills, can creatively practise their profession at theoretical, practical, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary levels. Graduate students will have enough theoretical knowledge to be able to continue their studies at an MA specialization.

Graduate students will be able to use the French language in speech and in writing at an advanced level, use general study techniques and basic research techniques in connection with the French language and culture, understand as a whole, summarise and translate general texts at a basic level.

The BA program comprises 3 years. The program is divided into two modules: the first year as the foundation module, the second and third years as the main module. At the end of each module there are complex examinations. At the end of the foundation module, students take a language proficiency examination and at the end of the main module they attempt the final examination and complete their studies. Note that the program does not offer teaching qualifications.

Programme structure

Find the detailed structure of the program on the site of the Faculty:

Career opportunities

Career opportunities
Les titulaires de licence pourront poursuivre leurs études en master ou obtenir un emploi nécessitant des compétences linguistiques et culturelles auprès des municipalités, des ministères ou des sociétés multinationales, dans les domaines aussi variés que la vie culturelle, la télécommunication ou le tourisme par exemple.

Job examples
—Intercultural relations,
—Call center

Apply now! September 2025/26
Application deadline
31 Mar 2025, 23:59:59
Central European Time
Studies commence
1 Sept 2025
Apply now! September 2025/26
Application start
1 Apr 2025
Application deadline
31 May 2025, 23:59:59
Central European Time
Studies commence
1 Sept 2025
Apply now! September 2025/26
Application period has ended
Studies commence
1 Sept 2025
Apply now! September 2025/26
Application deadline
31 Mar 2025, 23:59:59
Central European Time
Studies commence
1 Sept 2025
Apply now! September 2025/26
Application start
1 Apr 2025
Application deadline
31 May 2025, 23:59:59
Central European Time
Studies commence
1 Sept 2025
Apply now! September 2025/26
Application period has ended
Studies commence
1 Sept 2025